These exercises burn 6 times more calories than jogging
People who jog every morning are usually in good shape and look
attractive. It’s also a well known fact that jogging as well as just fast
walking can burn a lot of calories. Jogging is an effective method of
staying fit that we are used to. However, what if there is something even
more effective?
We suggest you to run backwards. Jogging backwards makes more muscle
groups workout and loads quadriceps, one of the biggest muscles in your
legs. 100 backwards steps burn the same amount of calories as 1000
ordinary jogging steps. Thus, it is 10 times more effective! That’s
incredible, isn’t it?
What is more backward running is way less dangerous in terms of injuries.
Since your velocity will be low and the your knees won’t be as overloaded.
So, we encourage you try backwards jogging out and stay looking gorgeous
in that bikini or swim suit.
And also we suggest doing these exercises several times a week to burn
calories. Scroll down and look.
#1 Bird-dog
How to Do the Bird-Dog Exercise: Techniques, Benefits, Variations
– Get down on your hands and knees with your palms flat on the floor and
shoulder-width apart.
– Without allowing your lower back to rise or round, brace your abs as if
you were about to be punched in the gut. Maintain this contraction.
– Raise your right arm and left leg until they’re in line with your body.
Pause, and then return to the starting position. Repeat with your left arm
and right leg. Continue to alternate back and forth. Try to keep your hips
and lower back still, even as you switch arms and legs.
#2 Boxing
– Start in a squat position, with your feet shoulder width apart and your
toes pointing forward.
– As you stand up, shift you weight no one len and punch with the
opposite arm.
– Squat and repeat the movemant on the opposite side. – Start in a squat
position, with your feet shoulder width apart and your toes pointing
– As you stand up, shift you weight no one len and punch with the
opposite arm.
– Squat and repeat the movemant on the opposite side.
#3 Burpees
– Bend over or squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of
you, just outside of your feet.
– Jump both feet back so that you’re now in plank position.
– Drop to a push-up—your chest should touch the floor. You can also drop
to your knees here, which makes the impending push-up easier.
– Push up to return to plank position (this can be a strict push-up, a
push-up from the knees, or not a push-up at all (i.e., just push yourself
up from the ground as you would if you weren’t working out)—your
– Jump the feet back in toward the hands.
#4 Charlie’s Angel
– Place shoulder blades on stability ball and feet on ground
– Assume bridge position by raising hips to form straight line from
shoulders to knees
– With palms together, straighten arms so they point toward ceiling
– With tight core and without shifting hips, rotate arms and upper body
left, then back to center
– Rotate right, then back to center
– Repeat for specified reps
#5 Chair Squats
– To begin, first set the bar to a position that best matches your
height. Once the bar is loaded, step under it and position it across the
back of your shoulders.
– Take the bar with your hands facing forward, unlock it and lift it off
the rack by extending your legs.
– Move your feet forward about 18 inches in front of the bar. Position
your legs using a shoulder width stance with the toes slightly pointed
out. Look forward at all times and maintain a neutral or slightly arched
spine. This will be your starting position.
– Slowly lower the bar by bending the knees as you maintain a straight
posture with the head up. Continue down until the angle between the upper
and lower leg breaks 90 degrees.
– Begin to raise the bar as you exhale by pushing the floor with the
heels of your feet, extending the knees and returning to the starting
– Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
#6 Leg Circles
How to Do Single Leg Circle in Pilates
– Lie on your back with your legs extended. Place your arms at your sides
with your palms facing down. Pull in your abdominal muscles, anchoring
your pelvis and shoulders. Relax your shoulders. Balance your weight
evenly across your shoulders and hips.
– Beginners can bend both knees and keep the feet flat on the floor. The
non-moving leg will be kept bent throughout the move.
– Draw your right leg in toward your chest, and then extend it up toward
the ceiling. Bring your right thigh as perpendicular to the floor as you
can. Point your toes and turn your leg slightly outward from the hip. Do
not let your right hip lift off the mat. It’s okay if your right knee
stays slightly bent to keep your hip on the mat.
– Engage both inner thighs as you sweep your right leg across your body
toward the left, aiming your leg toward your left shoulder.
– Circle your leg down toward the mat, then out to the right, and finally
back to center. Inhale for the first half of the leg circle and exhale for
the second half.
– Repeat 5-8 times, and then reverse directions for another 5-8 times.
Repeat with the opposite leg. End in the same position in which you
started, then roll up to a sitting position.
#7 Lateral Squats
– Standing with your feet wider than shoulder width apart, shift your
hips to the left and down by bending your left knee and keeping your right
leg straight.
– Your feet should be straight ahead and flat on the ground.
– Push through your left hip, returning to the starting position.
– Alternate sides and repeat for the prescribed number of
#8 Mountain Climbers
– Begin in a pushup position, with your weight supported by your hands
and toes. Flexing the knee and hip, bring one leg until the knee is
approximately under the hip. This will be your starting position.
– Explosively reverse the positions of your legs, extending the bent leg
until the leg is straight and supported by the toe, and bringing the other
foot up with the hip and knee flexed. Repeat in an alternating fashion for
20-30 seconds.