10 Minute Lower Abdominal Exercises To Do At Home
The lower abdominal area is without a doubt the most rebellious part in
this muscle. However, with these lower abdominal exercises you will
achieve tone and strengthen your lower belly in a short time.
There is a lower abdominal area that extends below the navel and also
includes the waist and hips. To work this area you should use exercises
that affect more in the lower belly area, since normally the upper part of
the body has more strength.
Below we suggest seven exercises for lower abdominal that you can do
easily at home, no equipment is required.
So take your time.
Lower Ab Workout Routine
1. Ab Crunch
● Lie down on your back on a mat.
● Bend your legs, resting the soles of your feet on the floor and
placing your hands on the back and side of your head.
● Slightly raise your shoulders on the ground and contract your
abdomen, by raising the trunk, but not separating the lumbar area of the
● Return to the initial position and, without resting your shoulders
on the ground.
Repeat this exercise for 20 of 3 sets
2. Leg raise
Other basic exercises to work the lower belly are the 4 step leg
● Lie down with your legs extended and your hands behind your neck
on a mat.
● Stretch your abdominal area and raise one leg until it is
perfectly perpendicular to your trunk. Next, repeat the procedure using
the other leg.
● Lower the first raised leg and then do the same with the other
Do 3 sets of 15 repeats.
3. Bicycle
This kind of abs exercise allows you to work on your rectus abdominal and
obliques. In this way, you will be able to sculpt the entire torso.
● Lie on your back with your hands behind and on the sides of your
● Raise your head slightly and extend your legs.
● Tighten your abdomen and bend your left knee, bringing lightly the
right elbow toward the knee.
● Return to the initial position, bending the right knee and
bringing the left elbow to it.
Perform 3 set of 20 repetitions.
4. Pelvic lift
Thanks to this exercise, you can work not only on the lower part of the
abdominal area, also on the gluts and, to a lesser extent, on the
● Lie on your back on a mat.
● Bend your knees and extend your arms.
● Tighten your tummy and your buttocks to raise your hips up to form
a straight line from your knees to your shoulders.
● Keep the posture for some few seconds, and slowly return to the
initial position.
Practice 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
5. Mountain climbers
● Lie face down, with palms of your hands and toes resting on the
ground at shoulder height.
● Keep your arms and legs stretched out, and bring one knee toward
your chest, keeping the other leg stretched out.
● Alternate the position of your legs with a quick and permanent
movement, as if you were running or climbing.
Perform 3 set of 20 repetitions.
6. Leg extensions
This exercise works the whole rectus abdominis, and although it has more
impact on the lower abdominal muscles, it has less impact on the obliques
and flexors in the hip.
● Lie on your back on a mat.
● Bend your hips, leaving your thighs perpendicular to the trunk,
and your knees bent at 90 degrees.
● Pull in your abdomen and extend your legs slowly, and this way you
move your feet away from the body.
● Return carefully to the initial position, by bending your knees
and bringing your feet close again on the trunk.
Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
7. Abdominal plank
The abdominal plank is your best option to get your belly in shape, while
you gain strength and durability.
● Lie face down with forearms and toes on the floor.
● Squeeze your abdomen to stabilize your body and keep your torso in
line. It is important that you do not lift or drop your hips, so that the
exercise does not lose efficiency.
Hold this posture during at least 30 seconds of 3 sets.
Remember that you need to combine these lower abs exercises to burn fat
and get defined muscles.
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flat stomach!