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5 Moves To Round, Tone And Lift Your Butt If You Are 40 Years

5 Moves To Round, Tone And Lift Your Butt If You Are 40 Years

According to fitness trainers, the gluteal muscles can even grow faster than other muscles, if they are exercised as they should be. That’s why they are so specific and should be followed exactly.

According to a study published by The National Institute of Health, United States, the gluteus muscles are divided into: gluteus maximus (top), gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus (where the curvature of the gluteus ends).

Some exercises work all the muscles; but others are very specific for each need. That’s why it’s very important to do a complete workout, because otherwise you won’t see the results you’re waiting for.

If you want to lift your butt again and forget about cellulite and flaccidity, in this article, we show you five moves that lift your buttocks and make them grow after 40:

1- Donkey Kick

donkey kick workout gif

Get on all fours and open your hands until they are as wide as your shoulders, knees should be straight just below your hips. Keep the knee, of the leg going up, bent at 90 degrees and raise the leg until it is at hip level. Lower the knee almost to the floor but before touching repeat the previous movement and raise it back up.

Complete 20 repetitions with each one, 3 sets. Once you have completed the repetitions with one leg, repeat the same with the other leg.

2- Squat with punch

Squat with punch  gif

A bodyweight squat combined with boxing will have you bobbing and weaving for low-impact greatness.

-Start standing with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides.

-Move into a squat position, making sure your chest is up, butt is back and knees are out.

-Return to the starting position and when your legs are extended, throw a cross punch with each arm.

Repeat this exercise 20 times for 3 sets.

3- Bulgarian Squat

Bulgarian Squat gif

With the help of a chair or bench. The Bulgarian squat is exceptional not only for glutes but it can also be a good ally when it comes to working the quadriceps and hamstrings. It is a demanding exercise, but with 100% satisfactory results.

Now, for this routine you must rest one foot on the floor and the other on a bench or chair about 50 centimeters high, this may vary depending on your comfort, the idea is that the knee is bent at an angle of more than 90 °, to start the exercise you must make sure you have the trunk straight.

Complete 20 repetitions with each leg for 3 sets.

4- Lateral hip

Lateral hip gif

-Get into a quad position with your hands and knees extended to the floor.

Pull in while lifting one leg so that you form a 90-degree angle to the other leg. Keep your knee bent.

-Slowly lower your leg down. You must keep your knee from touching the floor before lifting it back up. Repeat on other side.

-Do this exercise 15 times for 3 sets.

5- Glute bridges

Glute bridges

Glute bridges are the perfect exercise for shaping the butt because they target the three muscles that make up the butt: gluteus maximus, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. They also help stretch the hamstrings and relieve tension. The key to this exercise is to reach full extension while keeping your shoulders on the floor.

-Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor a few inches from your butt.

-With your arms at your sides or raised in front of you (palms together), press up into a bridge, lifting your hips up and off the floor. Keep shoulders firm, hips square and body in a straight line from neck to knees.

-Hold the bridge for two breaths before bringing your hips back down to the floor. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

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