15-Minute Full-Body HIIT Workout Will Burn A Lot Of Calories
Today HIIT workout “High Intensity Interval Training”, are all the rage
and are considered one of the best cardio workouts. Many focus solely on
the idea of intensity, but do not allocate enough time for rest. In
contrast, the HIIT workout I bring you below is intense and complete and
is developed in the right way. In the end, the best results are in the
long run.
It is important that we have physical performance, apart from burning
unwanted fat. To achieve this, you need to have muscle strength and the
following HIIT workout is going to help you achieve this goal. You can do
it in just 15 minutes at home.
Before starting the HIIT workout, use a foam roller or fitness ball for 5
minutes on the following parts of your body:
-Upper back
Next, warm up your muscles. Do squats, knee lifts and gentle
Keep track of the session with a stopwatch. In this way, you ensure that
you complete the 15-minute HIIT workout. Keep in mind that you have to
perform 12 repetitions per exercise and, without resting, move on to the
next exercise. When you finish the full round of 7 exercises, start over
again to complete the 15 minutes. If needed, rest 30 seconds at the end of
each round.
This HIIT workout can be repeated up to 3 days a week, alternating one
rest day in between. Try to increase the speed of the exercises and
perform more and more rounds in the 15-minute session. After 3 consecutive
weeks, increase the time to 20 minutes and so on.
15-minute full-body HIIT workout will burn a lot of calories.
1. Sumo Explosive Squats
Imagine you’re a sumo wrestler, placing your feet shoulder-width apart
and facing outward. With your torso straight, push yourself with your feet
facing outward. You have to push with your quadriceps and then jump. As
mentioned above, perform up to 12 repetitions.
2. T-Plank
Position your body as if you were going to do push-ups on the floor.
Place your toes on the floor and your wrists bent on the floor below your
shoulders. Extend your right arm parallel to the floor and let it hang in
the air for about 10 seconds. Concentrate all the effort on the muscles of
the upper back. Then repeat the same movement with the left arm. Note that
both movements are 1 repetition. In this case, you have to do only 3
repetitions in total.
3. Push-up touching opposite shoulder
Like doing push-ups with your arms outstretched, lower your chest down
for 3 seconds and quickly come back up. As you come back up, touch your
right hand to your left shoulder. Then lower your chest back down as if
you were doing a normal push-up. Do the same but with the right hand
touching the left shoulder. Perform 12 repetitions.
4. Power Thrust
Get into position, crouching down and placing your hands on the floor
under your shoulders. Then, jump your feet back and stand as if you were
going to do push-ups. Return to the same position as before and jump
upward, extending your hands to place yourself on the floor and return to
the starting position. Repeat for 12 repetitions.
5. Lateral Lunge
In a semi-squat and slightly bent over, do an explosive jump up and to
the right. Land softly on the floor and repeat the same movement to the
left. Like the previous exercise, both movements are 1 repetition. Perform
up to 12 repetitions total.
6. Mountain climber
Like an plank, put your elbows under your shoulders and your toes bent.
Shrug your hips and bring your right knee forward. Return to the starting
position and repeat with the left knee. Both movements are considered 1
repetition, so do the same until you reach 12 repetitions.
7. Tuck Jump
Stand with heels shoulder-width apart and feet slightly outward.
Semi-bend your knees and place your arms across your chest or outward.
Your hips must stick out behind you in order to lower into the squat. Once
you are in position, jump as high as possible, bending your knees to your
chest and bringing your heels towards your buttocks. Land gently to the
floor and repeat until you have done all 12 repetitions.
Summary of HIIT Workout training
Use of a foam roller or fitness ball (5 minutes)
Warm-up (5 minutes)
Sumo Explosive Squat (12 repetitions)
Push-up touching the opposite shoulder (12 reps)
Power Thrust (12 reps)
Mountain Climbers (12 reps)
Lateral Lunges (12 reps)
T Push-ups (sets of 3 repetitions)
Track Jump (12 reps)
As I mentioned, when you finish each round of 7 exercises, start over
until you’ve completed the full 15 minutes. If you need to, rest 30
seconds at the end of each round