5 Simple Exercises to Lose Belly Fat Fast
Not sure how to lose lower belly fat? Don’t worry, you’re not
The lower belly are very difficult to tone because that’s where our body
stores most of its excess fat. Especially for women, the hormone estrogen
tends to retain fat in this area.
So we have designed a special exercises routine to help you lose lower
belly fat to show off the body you’ve always dreamed of.
These simple exercises you will strengthen the entire abdominal area and
also work your arms, legs and buttocks.
Try these best exercises to lose hanging lower belly fat and slim waist
in short time !
1. Scissor
Lie down on your back, with your hands behind your head, and raise your
feet, shoulders and head from the ground. The points of your feet have to
point to the sky and alternate one leg up and another down. Concentrate on
not forcing your neck because you may end up with neck pain.
Make this move 15 times for each side of 3 sets
2. Pike Slider
You will need towels or some sliding object to perform this
Start with both feet on the slides and hands on the floor. Tighten your
lower abdominal and pull your feet toward your hands, raising your hips to
the ceiling. And then, slowly push your feet back to the starting
To make it easier: Do the mountain climber but slide.
Do this exercise for 15 repeat of 3 sets
3. Straight Leg Raises
From a prone position, place your hands under your lumbar spine and
tighten the core. Slowly raise your legs, bringing them to 90º, and then
slowly lower them back to the floor. If your back hurts, do not do this
Perform 3 set of 20 repetitions.
4. Cross Climber
Starting with plank position with the body and hips aligned and with the
core taut, bring the right leg towards the left shoulder. As your right
leg returns to its starting position, do the same movement with your left
leg. Continue to alternate.
Practice 3 sets of 20 repetitions.
5. Slider Knee Tuck
You will also need towels for this move.
Starting at the position of plank and with both feet on the slides,
tighten the core and push both feet to waist height. Be careful not to
hunch your shoulders and don’t let your upper body lean too far forward.
Push your feet back to the starting position.
Perform 3 set of 20 repetitions.
6. Jack Knife
Lie down on your back, with legs extended, feet together and arms
extended. Inhale and, as you exhale, squeeze your abdominal and raise your
right arm and left leg, touching your hand to the foot. Inhale and come
down slowly to the initial position.
Perform 15 repetitions each side of 3 sets.
SHARE this challenge with all friends. They will thank you later when
they lose lower belly fat!