Do This Everyday to Lose Fat Faster
Yes, intermittent fasting could help you lose a significant amount of
weight—but what if you only want to lose like, more 10 kilo ?
Your solution: tiny tweaks. Small lifestyle changes can really add
up and be pretty easy to implement—if you know where to begin. The key is
finding changes that seem very doable within your day-to-day routine.
These can really add up to big weight-loss benefits if you keep up with
them over time.
This do-anywhere routine will help you lose weight and gain lean muscle
in record time by checking all the boxes–cardio, strength, and mobility.
The simple formula: four rounds of eight body-weight strengtheners mixed
with intermittent blasts of burpees.
You’ll do fewer reps each round, so you’ll think the workload is getting
easier when really you’re pushing your body closer and closer to total
burnout. As the number of reps shrinks, so does your recovery time, so
your heart rate—thus your metabolism—stays hiked throughout.
There are three kinds of push-ups in this routine. Why? Push-ups are the
total package—They sculpt your shoulders, arms, abs, and even your butt
and legs and can challenge muscles in a new way with the slightest
1. Hand-Release Superman Push-Up:
How to:
● Start on floor in plank on palms.
● Lower to floor and lift hands.
● Bend arms out to sides to rest finger tips behind head, then
lift upper body and legs as high as you can.
● Pause; lower, then pushup to plank.
● That’s 1 rep.
● Do 20 reps, then jog in place for 30 seconds.
● 4 sets, 20, 15, 10, 5 reps.
2. Hamstring Hinge Hop:
How to:
● Stand on right leg (knee soft) with hands together at chest and
arms bent out to sides.
● Hinge forward from hips, lowering torso toward floor and
extending left leg back until body forms a straight line from shoulders
to heel.
● Reverse movement (without touching floor), then jump off right
leg as high as you can, raising bent left leg up to hip height.
● That’s 1 rep.
● Without lowering left leg, do 10 reps.
● Switch sides; repeat, then jog in place for 30 seconds.
● 4 sets, 20, 15, 10, 5 reps.
3. Plank Kicks 180-Tuck:
How to:
● Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms by sides.
● Crouch, place palms on floor, then hop feet back to plank.
● Shift weight into right hand and left foot and rotate torso and
hips slightly left, bringing straight right leg and straight left hand
to meet in front of chest.
● Return to plank.
● Switch sides; repeat.
● Quickly hop feet toward hands.
● Then jump as high as you can, tucking knees toward chest and
turning 180 degrees in air to land facing the other direction.
● That’s 1 rep.
● Do 20 reps (alternating sides for the 180-tuck jumps), then jog
in place for 30 seconds.
● 4 sets, 20, 15, 10, 5 reps.
4. Curtsy-Lunge Squat Drop:
How to:
● Stand with feet hip-width apart and hands together at chest with
arms bent out to sides to start.
● Jump as high as you can, landing in a curtsy lunge with left leg
behind and across right leg.
● Immediately jump as high as you can.
● Land in a squat.
● That’s 1 rep.
● Do 20 reps (alternating sides for the curtsy-lunge jump), then
jog in place for 30 seconds.
● 4 sets, 20, 15, 10, 5 reps.
5. Dip-Flip Push-Up:
How to:
● Sit on floor with legs extended and palms pressing into floor
behind hips with fingertips facing body.
● Press into hands and straighten arms to lift hips to
● Bend arms back, lowering hips to hover 1 inch above floor.
● Explosively push up, rotating over left side to come into plank
on palms.
● Immediately do one push-up (arms bent straight back with elbows
tight to ribs).
● Explosively push up and rotate over left side to return to
● That’s 1 rep.
● Do 20 reps (alternating sides for the flip), then jog in place
for 30 seconds.
● 4 sets, 20, 15, 10, 5 reps.
6. Diamond Sit-Up Twist-Back:
How to:
● Sit on floor with legs bent out to sides, soles of feet
touching, and arms by sides.
● Lie back and extend arms overhead on floor to start.
● Sit up, reaching hands forward to touch floor in front of
● Then bend arms out to sides and lower upper body to floor,
rotating torso toward left, then toward right.
● Return to start.
● That’s 1 rep.
● Do 20 reps, then jog in place for 30 seconds.
● 4 sets, 20, 15, 10, 5 reps.
7. Corkscrew Push-Up:
How to:
● Get on floor on all fours.
● Lift knees to hover 2 inches above floor to start.
● Bend arms back at a 45-degree angle, lowering body toward floor
as you rotate hips and knees toward left.
● Push up to start.
● That’s 1 rep.
● Switch sides; repeat.
● Continue alternating sides for 20 reps, then jog in place for 30
● 4 sets, 20, 15, 10, 5 reps.
8. Sumo Squat-Hold Heel Lift:
How to:
● Stand with feet wide, toes turned out, and arms by sides.
● Squat, bringing hands together in front of chest.
● Remain in the squat as you raise right heel.
● Lower right heel, then lift left heel.
● That’s 1 rep.
● Do 20 reps, then jog in place for 30 seconds.
● 4 sets, 20, 15, 10, 5 reps.