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3 HIIT Exercises to Lose Belly Fat FASTER

This Easy Exercise Will Burn More Belly Fat Than 100 Abs Crunches
Once you start a healthy lifestyle with physical activity, you may think that you need to spend hours in the gym to see results in your body, but this isn’t real. So, we will present you a exercise that you can do in 15 minutes to achieve a flatter belly.

The abdominal area and the waist accumulate fat quickly, so there is no better way to reduce this area than by doing a plank, which is a good exercise to strengthen the belly in a safe way.
This exercise is extremely useful for making your abdomen flat and your abs strong, as well as for relieving back pain, as strong abdominal muscles can better hold the spine together.

Therefore, you won’t need hours to stay in shape, because with just a few minutes a day your body will start to show results.

Plank exercise to do in 15 minutes a day to get a flat belly in a short time. 

Simple plank
Simple plank

This is one of the best exercises for your tummy and will help a lot to strengthen all the muscles, as well as to define the waist.

You just have to lie face down on the floor. Then you lift your body keeping the weight on your forearms and the metatarsals of your feet.

You should stay about 15 seconds per sets. You can do from 3 to 5 sets.
Lateral Plank

Lateral Plank

This kind of exercise is perfect for strong side muscles.

You should only rest one forearm on the floor with your body completely on its side. Only one foot will be the weight of your lower body.

With this position, you must only lower your hip until it almost touches the ground, then go up and repeat the movement. You should stay about 15 seconds.

After about 15 repetitions, change sides and repeat the exercise.

Rotary plank

Rotary plank

Like the simple plank, you must lie face down on the floor. Then you lift your body by keeping the weight on your forearms and the metatarsals of your feet.

When you are in this position, you should begin to rotate your waist from one side to the other. Your hips should be close to the ground, but not touching it.

Start with 15 seconds, and increase the time each day.
Plank is one of the best body toning exercises for both men and women. It allows you to burn fat from your belly, as well as your shoulders, arms and legs.

Share  this best exercises with all friends. They will thank you later when they get a flat belly!