The Top 6 Exercises to Get Prefect Triceps !
Have you ever looked at a person’s arms and wished your arms could be cut
like that? Perfect triceps that have what looks like the perfect imprint of
a horseshoe etched into smooth skin.
You don’t have to be an award winning body builder like Arnold
Schwarzenegger or Miss Physique to have really great looking arms. All it
takes is some dedication to getting in shape and doing some exercises.
Did you know that without physical exercises, the muscles just waste
away and fat will get deposited all over your body? On top of that the
digestion and metabolism functions of your body get impaired and the
breathing capacity of your lungs goes down. Your body is not designed
to metabolize fat well unless you perform some physical
Exercises are essentially means of straining various muscles of the
body so that they become stronger.
Triceps are important muscles that enable your arms to be raised
and lowered and lift weight in the process so strengthening of the
triceps is important. It is also surprisingly simple all you have
to do exercise daily. These are the six exercises for quickly
getting desired triceps:
1. Bench Dips
Perform bench dips by placing your feet on one bench and
holding another with your hands you slowly lower bench. Begin
with 8 to 10 repetitions and as your strength increases so
should the reps. You can also take a weight plate and place it
on your lap for more resistance. This exercise is a sure fire
way to blast your triceps and ignite major growth to make the
back of your arms to make them more toned.
2. Close-Grip Bench Press:
Lying on a bench you need to place your hands on a barbell
with your hands about 6 to 7 inches apart, so that the focus
is on your triceps. Slowly lower the weights to your chest
while keeping your elbows close to your body. Push back to the
start and repeat. Do 10 to 15 repetitions.
3. Barbell Extension (Skull Crushers):
In a standing position you need to hold the barbell above
your head, making sure not to lock your elbows. Bending the
elbows slowly lower your arms down behind your head, making
sure to keep your elbows tucked in so the tension in on your
triceps, then slowly raise the barbell back to starting
position. Repeat 12 to 15 times, until you feel the burn in
your triceps.
4. Cable Triceps extensions (Push Downs):
Using a medium-length straight bar and keeping a body
straight with knees slightly bent, tuck the elbows in and
slowly push the bar down from the chest while
concentrating on the triceps.
Each rep is strictly controlled and concentrated. At the
bottom position squeeze the triceps for a second or two.
Do 3 sets for 12 to 15 reps. Once you are accustomed to
the initial sets then you can increase the sets. Take a 30
second break between the sets.
5. Dumbbell Extension:
Laying on your back hold a dumbbell over your head with
both hand holding it under the inner plate using a heat
shaped grip. Now with your elbows overhead extend your
forearms straight up towards the ceiling by flexing your
elbows and then lower the dumbbell back to the starting
position. Palms facing in towards each other, lower
dumbbells to ears then back up. Repeat 15 to 20
6. Dumbbell overhead press:
This is also
known as the shoulder press. All you need to do is to
sit on a bench that provides vertical back support,
pick a pair of dumbbells and raise the dumbbells
overhead to the maximum and then bring them down to
shoulder level. You can do these together or
These exercises may sound complicated and the
thought of working out may sound scary. However
remember the old adage that says, No pain no gain.
So if you want to have those beautiful triceps and
to have that sleek and toned look it’s time to work
up a sweat. So if you follow these six exercises it
won’t be long before you have the triceps of a
fitness model.