According to Scientists, This is The Best Breakfast For Athletes
Researchers at the university of Erlangen-Nuremburg in Germany discovered that it’s better to to eat a pure protein meal first thing in the morning than a breakfast that contains protein, carbohydrates and fat. By eating pure protein breakfast, your body produces more anabolic hormones like growth hormone and insulin and also inhibits the production of cortisol.
The participants in the research were men aged 18 to 40 years.They consumed a mixture of 24 g of amino acids dissolved in a glass of water in the morning. The mixture contained the following amino acids:
– Valine,
– Leucine,
– Isoleucine,
– Phenylalanine ,
– Tyrosine ,
– Tryptophan,
– Lysine,
– Methionine,
– Cysteine ,
– Threonine and
– Histidine
as well as well as vitamins and minerals. There were three groups of participants in the research: a fasting control group (they ate nothing), a group (iso control group) that had carbohydrates with milk protein (same calories as the amino acid shake) and the group that had the amino acid mixture.
The Results
The pure protein breakfast (amino acids mixture group) resulted in a very high HGH peak: the concentration rose on average by a factor 21, and remained high for about an hour and half in most subjects. Another effect that was observed was the declining in cortisol levels by almost 50% in the AA mixture group, while cortisol declined by 10% in the other group (iso control group).
Athletes and people who care about health and well being in general would benefit by having a breakfast as high in proteins as possible. Doing so will result in a peak production of HGH as well as an increase IGF-1. A pure protein breakfast first thing in the morning is the best option.
So keep your breakfast (or the first meal after the fast) to pure protein and you can expect to see great, long term results.